Prayer Requests

elle-wallPrayer ministry is an important part of my work as an Anam Cara. I welcome your requests for healing for yourself and others.

Know that I will stand with you in the knowledge that we are surrounded by an all-loving God, known by so many different names. That spark of Energy and Light is the Divine that is everywhere present, all knowing, all seeing and all powerful. It lives within each of us and connects us with one another and to The One.

I recognize that there are many names for the Divine, and many paths to the Divine. I hold the sacred truth that We Are One. By affirming this truth, our prayers bring the one in distress into balance, back to your soul’s true source untouched by dis-ease of body, mind or spirit.

It is from this place that the seeker can make informed choices, be supported and support others, and be returned to wholeness. Prayer ministers do this with compassion, respect, trust, and absolute confidentiality.

In silence each day, I will hold you in my thoughts and prayers. May you sense this peace and wholeness for yourself and those you hold dear, and may this Light guide you through this present threshold.

To submit a prayer request, I invite you to share:

Your prayer request will come only to me. I will hold the healing truth that Spirit’s boundless energy of love is with you and within you and guiding you and those you may be praying for through this present threshold. — Rev. Ellen Wolf-Muhleck


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